Aims of nanoCARE
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Aims of nanoCARE

NanoCARE is a thematic network for the collaborative development of nanomedicine, focused on specific challenges in cancer, atherosclerosis and infectious diseases. NanoCARE joins 14 groups working on materials for biomedicine, pharmacology, chemistry, physics, biotechnology, microbiology and medicine.


Nanomedicine impact on health is continuously growing; with Spain in a strong position and many groups leaders at international levels. On this sense, a coordinated work of these groups can boost their performance allowing new and synergistic collaborations.


NanoCARE will promote seed projects among members of the network; this will establish new collaborations or strengthen existing ones, this way we will apply to international calls from a much stronger position. Common, new, research lines will be proposed so each member can join to one or several of them, increasing the interdisciplinarity of their research and the international impact of Spanish nanomedicine. Our international impact will also benefit from our transfer to the industry of the products obtained in nanoCARE, a R+D aspect in which Spanish performance needs a boost.


NanoCARE is an opportunity of creating something new in Spain; a nanomedicine network, with the best tools for research and coordination, focused on solving specific health problems that affect society.


NanoCare will focus on the following actions:

Coordinating planned research activities by dynamic research lines


Promoting seed projects among members of the network


Actively searching for cooperative national and international projects


Sharing protocols and know-how among members


Facilitating the industrial transference of results obtain by the members


Organising courses and workshops focused on young researchers


Engaging society on our research by conferences, seminars, web and social media