Scientific results
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Scientific results

New research paper by Dr. Fernando Herranz’s group at IQM-CSIC and Dr. Jesús Ruiz-Cabello’s group at biomaGUNE, published in Nanoscale:

Thrombo-tag, an in vivo formed nanotracer for the detection of thrombi in mice by fast pre-targeted molecular imaging

New research paper by Dr. Lucía Gutiérrez’s group at UNIZAR and the collaboration of Dr. Fernando Herranz’s group at IQM-CSIC, published in Particle and Particle System Characterization:

Smartphone-Based Colorimetric Method to Quantify Iron Concentration and to Determine the Nanoparticle Size from Suspensions of Magnetic Nanoparticles

New research paper by Dr. Anna Laromaine’s group at ICMAB-CSIC, published in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering:

Bacterial Nanocellulose and Titania Hybrids: Cytocompatible and Cryopreservable Cell Carriers

New review by Dr. Fernandio Herranz’s group at IQM-CSIC and Dr. Jesús Ruiz-Cabello’s group at biomaGUNE, published in Inorganics:

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: An Alternative for Positive Contrast in Magnetic Resonance Imaging